Easy Science Experiments That You Can Do in a Classroom That Has the Scientific Method

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These science experiments for kids at home are just what you need during school breaks, snow days, and closures. They're part of a giant list of easy-to-prep activities for preschoolers at home, so be sure to check out the other ideas.

The goal here is to provide you with some fun and easy science activities you can set up for the kids without using too many materials.

Which means these science ideas are just right when the children are out of school for extended periods of time.

Of course, you can definitely bring these into the classroom too!

collage of science experiments for kids at home with text that reads easy and fun science for kids

Fun Science Experiments for Kids at Home

I've collected SO MANY great science ideas for you to do with the kids!

As I mentioned above, they can be done at school OR at home.

Keep in mind, I tried to keep the materials light . . . but you might not have everything. And that's okay! Just make adjustments and substitutions as needed.

I broke the list down into science "experiments" and science "activities." Mainly because there were so many to share with you!

The main difference between an experiment and an activity is the inclusion of the scientific method.

What is the Scientific Method for Kids?

Yes, the scientific method!

As you probably already know, it boils down to: question, research, hypothesis, test, analyze, and conclude.

That does seem like a lot of steps for young children, but it's not as much as you would think. You can guide children through the scientific method with questions and by supporting their experiments.

Some questions to ask:

  • What do you think will happen if . . . ?
  • How can you find an answer to that?
  • What should we do next?
  • Tell me, what did you observe? (What did you see? Hear? Smell?)
  • Did it happen the way you thought it would?

You can turn most science activities into experiments with the application of the scientific method. Just something to consider as you jump into these science experiments for kids at home (or school!).

images of science for kids with text that reads science experiments for kids at home

Fun Science at Home Experiments

Candy Heart Experiments – We used leftover candy hearts for this experiment, but you could really use any type of candy.

Pirate Science with Exploding Treasure Chests – Forgive the dramatic title! I promise nothing explodes . . . but there is a lot of fizzing that your little pirates will love!

Star Wars Lego Science – The kids need to rescue Han Solo from "carbonite" during this experiment.

Name Ice Melting Science – Make the kids' names out of ice and experiment with how best to melt the names. We used name ice cube trays, but you can use alphabet manipulatives in regular ice cube trays.

Foaming Names Science – During this experiment, we wanted to test how frozen baking soda interacts with vinegar, and how to make the activity extra fizzy and foamy.

Water Displacement Science Experiment – Super simple science, and it keeps the kids engaged and curious.

Rainbow Science – I have to admit, this scented rainbow activity is probably one of my favorite science experiments for kids at home (or school . . . or anywhere, really).

Homemade Invisible Ink Experiment – What's even more fun than writing invisible ink? Testing out what makes the best invisible ink, of course!

Smelly Pumpkin Experiment – This decomposition experiment can be done with all sorts of items, and it's a great way to lead into composting.

Scented Color Mixing Simple Experiment for Kids – Explore color mixing and test out if Jell-O reacts with water.

Jello and Vinegar Experiment – Explore colorful, scented eruptions!

Density of Liquids – Use some kitchen materials to experiment with density.

Hot Ice Science Experiment – Change the temperature of baking soda and vinegar in this fun science experiment for kids.

Walking Water Science Experiment – What a fun experiment involving capillary action and color mixing.

Oxidation Experiment: Does it Rust? – Test household items to find out if they rust.

kids' science images with text that reads science activities for kids at home

Science Activities Kids Can Do at Home

Catapults for Kids – Use a variety of materials to create your own catapults with the kids.

World Structure STEM – Make a book of structures from around the world to inspire creativity with blocks.

Planet Sun Catchers Space Craft – Grab some markers and coffee filters to learn the planets and explore concepts like absorption.

Pumpkin STEM Challenge – Help the children use old Halloween candies to participate in a STEM challenge.

Minecraft Activity with Icy Blocks – Kids who love Minecraft have such fun with this icy science activity!

Preschool Science with Blocks – Let the children use the ever-popular blocks many love to explore various science concepts.

Fizzing Planets Science for a Space Theme – Work together to create your own "planets" with the children, and then learn how to dissolve them.

Unique Borax Crystal Science Ideas – A little bit of patience is required for these crystal science projects, but the wait is worth it!

Engineering Activities for Kids – A small collection of projects to get the kids in an engineering state of mind.

Frozen Dinosaur Excavation – Take the classic ice science activity to a new level by making it look like they're stuck in tar!

Frozen Fairy Tale Science – If your children are enamored with Frozen or fairy tales, this fizzy science idea will be a perfect fit!

Preschool Science Fun with Ice Castles – You and the kids can build the ice castles together . . . and then work together to melt them!

Icy Fizzing Letters – Add a literacy twist to fizzy science with letter shapes.

Bridge Building STEM Activities – Inspire little engineers to create their own bridges with pictures of real bridges.

Elephant Toothpaste – An amazing exothermic reaction that will have the kids amazed.

No-Rust Magnetic Discovery Bottle – Explore magnetism with a colorful and easy sensory bottle.

Even More At-Home Science Resources

Tinkerlab has gathered more than 35 additional places you can find inspiration and ideas about science experiments for kids at home! Her focus is on art, science, and tinkering blogs for home and homeschool, but classroom teachers could benefit from the ideas too!

A few Pinterest boards focused on science:

  • Preschool Science
  • Preschool STEM
  • Science Activities for Kids

Preschool Teacher 101 has some awesome STEM challenges perfect for young kids, too!

STEM challenges covers with text that reads STEM series bundle.

Materials for Simple Science Activities

First, start with whatever you have on-hand at home or in the classroom! Take a look around your kitchen, in the recycling bin, or even your toy stash to get started.

If you're looking for some other ideas, here are a few items to inspire you:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Jell-O
  • Salt
  • Ice cube trays
  • Toy dinosaurs (or other favorite animals)
  • Lego mini-figures
  • Blocks
  • Toy cars
  • Craft sticks
  • Rubber bands
  • Borax
  • Pipe cleaners

You can find even more on my Science Activities Amazon list.


Source: https://fun-a-day.com/science-experiments-for-kids-at-home/

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